3 legal issues that can plague Illinois fathers

3 legal issues that can plague Illinois fathers

32527631_S.jpgBeing a parent is one of the toughest jobs a person could have, considering all the roles you may need to fill. On any given day, you might have to be a teacher, a doctor, a chef, a professional athlete, a superhero or a law enforcement officer.

But being a parent is also itself a critical role and it has several legal implications. In other words, if you are a father in Illinois, that designation comes with a host of obligations and rights of which you must be aware. It is also a role that can spark some serious disputes.

Below, we examine three of the most common legal matters fathers may have to confront.

  1. Paternity: Unless you are married to the mother of your child, you are not legally named as the father until certain steps have been taken. This could include signing an acknowledgment of paternity form, taking a blood test or adopting a child.
  2. Child support: If you are not legally identified as the father, you should not be held accountable for any child support. Too many men end up paying support for a child that is not theirs, legally or biologically.
  3. Parenting time: Fathers often face challenges with seeking appropriate parenting time. There is no guarantee that any parent will be awarded a certain amount of parenting time, as it is left in the hands of a family court judge.

Unmarried and/or divorced fathers can face considerable challenges when it comes to protecting their rights as fathers. Unfortunately, too many men make the mistake of thinking the cards are already stacked against them and there is nothing that can be done to remedy a specific problem.

However, our attorneys have experience helping fathers and presumed fathers all across the state resolve matters related to paternity, custody and support. For more details on our approach to and experience with a legal battle you may be fighting, please visit our family law website.

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