The evolution of valuing fatherhood

The evolution of valuing fatherhood

5333424_S.jpgA 2011 Psychology Today blog discusses how fathers are important to the development of the child. To many readers today, that might sound like an overly obvious point. However, the doctor who wrote the piece addresses how the value placed in fatherhood has changed over time, from Biblical times to today. 

These days, it is not rare for family courts to grant shared custody between mothers and fathers. In fact, it is a common goal of the courts to keep both parents equal parts of a child’s life. Divorce and child custody cases have likely taken that turn for the better for fathers due to a shift in research in the 70’s that focuses on how fathers serve such a positive parenting purpose.

Decades of research into the value of an active father figure in a child’s life suggest the following benefits to the child: 

  • emotional security
  • confidence
  • strong social skills
  • more skilled regulation of emotions and actions
  • strong verbal skills
  • strong academic success
  • strong moral reasoning
  • strong intellectual skills

As you can see, a child growing up with an active, nurturing dad can significantly impact his or her development. The father-child relationship can change the trajectory of a kid’s future, offering him or her a greater chance at the opportunities that most parents would want for their children. 

Most fathers see themselves as parents; they want to be involved; they want to be around for the day-to-day aspects of raising a child. It is an old, false theory that dads expect mothers to do the parenting. If you are a father who wants to exercise your rights to parent your child, talk to a family law attorney experienced in protecting fathers’ rights. Your battle is a noble, important one.

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