November 2016 Archives

November 2016 Archives

Family law: Prenups can establish solid foundation

17858931_S.jpgSome soon-to-be-married couples in Illinois believe signing a prenuptial agreement is a negative way to start a marriage as it indicates preparation for the worst-case scenario. Although a prenup protects both parties in the event of a divorce, it mainly shows honest, upfront communication that can establish a sound basis for any marriage. Information about these types of agreements can provide peace of mind and is available from family law attorneys.

Collaborative divorce may be considered as an alternative

48645791_S.jpgEnding marriages is not something many Illinois couples go through more than once or twice in their lifetimes. Many believe what they have heard about divorce and the trauma of litigation. However, there are alternative options, and couples who decide to divorce while they are still communicating may find that they can avoid going to court. Spouses who can sit down and talk through contentious issues may reach agreements that will be less costly and less stressful, and they might even learn new negotiating skills that will help their post-divorce communications.

Answers to your prenuptial agreement questions

51885247_S.jpgAs we have written about before on this blog, prenuptial agreements are helpful contracts that can guide a married couple through a divorce. It can even help a soon-to-be-married couple confront some difficult topics before they walk down the aisle — such as financial considerations and asset protection. In the absence of a prenuptial agreement, property division defaults to state laws when a divorce occurs.

Are you considering legal separation?

51142384_S.jpgWhen a married couple is having issues severe enough that they are considering divorce, they also think about taking a “middle ground” approach first before committing to the permanent solution of a divorce. What we are talking about is legal separation, an option that allows married couples to retain their marriage while entering a legal process that is similar to divorce.

How alternative dispute resolution can help you

You may have heard of “alternative dispute resolution,” a term that refers to a couple of different approaches that splitting spouses can use to complete their divorce. While the “traditional” route can work, it can also be the wrong fit for many couples. Thus they seek out different ways to complete their divorce. This is where mediation and collaborative law come in.

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