Guiding you through the military divorce process

Guiding you through the military divorce process

18853941_S.jpgSome careers are very demanding and stressful. This can be strenuous for an individual and their family. Being a service member in the military is one of the most challenging careers and could be the source of a failing marriage. The stress of deployment and training could be taxing on a marriage, resulting in some spouses seeking to end their marriage. While ending a marriage is not a pleasant time for any married couple, for military members, this often means addressing addition divorce issues.

When compared to a civilian divorce, a military divorce can be very complex. No only are there additional issues to resolve, divorcing service members face the challenge of developing a workable child custody and support plan while one spouse is on active duty. At Stange Law firm, P.C., our experienced law firm is dedicated to helping military members and the spouses of military members in the Springfield area navigate the divorce process.

With an extensive knowledge in military divorce laws, our attorneys are able to determine which laws apply to a couple’s specific situation, helping our clients successfully navigate their situation. Depending on the matter, certain laws and rules may apply to the dissolution process. We have a detailed understanding of the Severicemembers Civil Relief Act and the 10/10 rule. We know how to apply them during the property division process, assessing how survivor benefit plan, family care plans and the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection are impacted.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s military family law website. It is never easy to initiate a divorce; however, if it reaches that point, civilian and military couples should understand the various divorce issues they will need to address. Conferring with a legal professional could help guide spouses to an amicable solution.

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