We can help in a child support dispute over income

We can help in a child support dispute over income

54552140_S (1).jpgA previous post discussed how, even with the recent changes in the way Illinois determines child support, the income of each parent still makes a lot of difference when it comes to determining the dollar amount of a parent’s weekly child support payment.

While a Springfield, Illinois, resident might think that figuring out each parent’s income is relatively straightforward, such is not always the case. Sometimes, a person makes irregular income that can be hard to average or even calculate correctly. At other times, a parent makes income from sources other than employment or self-employment, and this circumstance can be grounds for a dispute.

Although one would hope that a parent could see the benefit in paying support beyond what is strictly owed, sometimes a mother or father will try to pay the least amount of support possible and thus dig in their heels about whether something is or is not income. In these types of cases, the advocates at our law office can be of valuable assistance to Illinois residents.

Our office understands how child support works in Illinois, and, with our experience, we are also aware of what arguments tend to convince judges about whether something is or is not income or what the dollar amount of that income is. We work hard to make sure our clients get a fair and just child support order which accurately takes account of each parent’s income and does so consistent with Illinois law.

For instance, in a situation where a parent makes irregular income, we know what documents to ask subpoena in order to determine whether that parent really is just having a temporary surge in business or is in fact making more than what he or she is letting on.

Although we cannot promise our client will get everything he or she wants when it comes to child support, we do have a track record of getting appropriate child support orders that benefit our clients and, more importantly, their children.

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