Brad Pitt gets more time with his children

Brad Pitt gets more time with his children

41108923_S.jpgAfter a divorce it can be difficult for a family to find balance, especially when children were involved in the process of undoing a marital relationship. Many Illinois parents struggle to discover ways of ensuring that parent-child bonds remain strong. For one former celebrity couple, court intervention was necessary to ensure that the father’s options for seeing and communicating with his kids were not infringed upon by their mother.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were married for several years and have six children. Jolie was originally awarded primary custody of the children, but Pitt made changes to his work schedule and life to make time to be with his three sons and three daughters. A court recently recognized Pitt’s efforts and ordered that he be allowed more time with the kids or Jolie could face the loss of custody.

First, the court stated that Pitt must be allowed to spend more time physically in the presence of his children. Additionally, he must be given his children’s phone numbers so that he can contact them without having to go through Jolie. Jolie is not permitted to interfere in these communications and could see her custody rights reduced if she attempts to prevent her children from having a relationship with their father.

Children benefit when they are able to have strong relationships with both of their parents. The judge in the Pitt-Jolie case clearly recognized this fact and made a strong statement in favor of fathers’ rights by directing Jolie to give Pitt the opportunity to foster and grow his connection with their shared children.

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