Preparing your family for custody needs in the New Year

Preparing your family for custody needs in the New Year

16126209_S.jpgThe attorneys and staff of the Stange Law Firm hope that its clients and the readers of its family law blog have had peaceful transitions into the New Year. As 2019 gets underway, families may find that their needs, expectations and desires are different from those that governed their actions in 2018. If they operate subject to a child custody plan, then they may need to address important changes to that agreement or order before it becomes an issue

Child custody agreements and orders can be modified when doing so is in the best interests of the children they support. If a parent must move for a job, or if a child develops a medical condition that requires them to spend time in a hospital or facility that is closer to one of their parent’s homes, it may make sense for their custody plan to be changed to accommodate their new needs.

The circumstances that impact Illinois families are diverse and varied and they cannot all be mentioned in this single post. However, readers should take from this brief discussion that child custody arrangements can and do change and when they do it is important for parents to recognize the powers they have to establish new plans for the benefit of their kids.

Readers who are ready to address the changes they have experienced in their child custody arrangements are invited to reach out to the Stange Law Firm. A wealth of information about the firm’s diverse family law practice can be found online through its website on child custody and parenting plans.

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