Claims of domestic violence may affect custody rights

Claims of domestic violence may affect custody rights

113295541_S.jpgThere are a number of factors that Illinois courts can consider when they assess the best interests of children in child custody cases. Issues that are specific to kids, like their health and attachments to their parents, can be relevant to custody matters. Additionally, factors specifically related to the actions of the parents can come into play when courts have to decide where children should live and regarding whom should be able to make decisions for them.

One factor that can have a big impact on whether a parent gets custody of their child is whether domestic violence has ever been alleged within the family. Domestic violence involves the use of physical, emotional, or psychological force to control or intimidate a person with whom the alleged aggressor has a familial relationship. Domestic violence usually occurs between romantic partners and different forms of abuse and violence can exist between parents and their kids.

If a parent has been accused of causing harm to their spouse, partner or child, then they may face an uphill battle with regard to securing the right to have custody of their children. Placing a child in the home of a person who has a history of hurting others who are close to them may not be viewed as supporting the best interests of the kids.

It is important that parents who have concerns about their rights and the custody of their kids speak with family law attorneys who are familiar with their cases. Legal support can be necessary for persuading a court to grant a parent custodial rights when factors like allegations of domestic violence stand against them.

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