
Understanding the Divorce Process in Springfield, IL

Divorce is a very challenging and multifaceted legal process, and each divorce case filed in Illinois unfolds differently. You are likely to face many challenges and unique opportunities as your dissolution proceeds through the family court in Springfield, IL, and the first steps you take in handling your divorce can have a profound influence on the outcome. There are many misconceptions about the divorce filing process in Illinois, and knowing what to expect can help you avoid common mistakes in divorce petition filing, sparing you more tedious proceedings later. Contrary to popular belief, there is no legal advantage to being


Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Attorney in Springfield, IL

When someone decides they no longer wish to remain married to their spouse or when a couple reaches a mutual decision to end their marriage, the couple must brace for divorce proceedings. In Springfield, IL, divorce unfolds in the family court system, and knowing what to expect in the dissolution process is important. Divorce is much more than simply ending your marriage contract with your spouse. The two of you must also resolve property division and outstanding financial matters that apply to you. In addition, when a divorcing couple has children, they face a difficult custody determination process. Ultimately, every


10 Tips for a Smooth Divorce: Communication Strategies for the Best Outcome

No one gets married expecting it to end in divorce, but unfortunately, this is the case all too often. If you are facing a divorce, it is important to have a communication strategy in place to have the best outcome possible. These ten tips for effective communication can make a big difference in how your divorce unfolds: Tip #1 — Keep the Lines of Communication Open Open communication is essential for a smooth divorce. It is defined as communication that is respectful, honest, and clear. You and your spouse should feel free to share your thoughts and feelings with each


Important Things to Do After Divorce in Springfield, IL

Your life is likely to change after a divorce in Springfield, IL. While many consider divorce an opportunity for a fresh start, other people are overwhelmed by the number of things they must do to start rebuilding their lives. Whether you are nearing the end of your divorce proceedings or have recently completed the dissolution process, you should follow a few best practices that many people overlook after divorce. Remember the Value of Legal Counsel If you recently finalized your divorce, do not assume that your interactions with your ex or the family court system are finished. Many people must


How to Speed Up Your Divorce in Springfield, IL

When you and your spouse have decided to divorce, or when one of you has decided to end the marriage, the legal proceedings you face can be incredibly daunting. Even if you are confident that divorce is your best option, the actual process of ending your marriage is likely to be more detailed and emotionally taxing than you initially expect. It’s natural to adopt a desire to want to complete the dissolution process as quickly as possible. However, you should not rush your divorce. Doing so can create further problems that will only demand more of your time and attention


How to Protect Your Business From Your Divorce in Springfield, IL

Divorce poses several significant challenges to everyone who experiences the process, but it is especially challenging for business owners. If you own a business and are planning to divorce in Springfield, IL, your divorce proceedings could have a dramatic impact on your business operation for the foreseeable future. Depending on when you formed the business and whether your spouse had any involvement in running it, your divorce could mean the closure and sale of the business, or you may manage to preserve your business interests in one of several possible ways. While it’s natural to want to protect your business


How to Change Your Child Support and Alimony Terms in Springfield, IL

Ending a marriage is likely to change your life in many ways for years to come. In some instances, finalizing a divorce does not mean you will never interact with your ex again. Many divorce orders entail long-term agreements that all parties must follow, especially when they pertain to children. If you have a child support agreement with your ex-spouse, or if one of you pays alimony to the other, the terms of your ongoing agreement require careful attention. However, unexpected issues might arise that prevent you from abiding by these terms indefinitely. If you have encountered any problems that


What to Expect from Your Mediator in Springfield, IL Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation has become the most popular method of resolving divorces in the United States in recent years. This can be attributed to many reasons. Mediation offers significant savings in terms of court fees. By completing divorce more swiftly, both spouses can also save money on their attorneys’ fees. Mediation also provides greater control over the outcome of a divorce case. Both spouses are likely to reach mutually agreeable terms for their divorce when they take advantage of mediation. In addition, the only real prerequisite for mediation is that both spouses must agree to participate. They must then agree on


Do I Really Need a Lawyer for a Springfield, IL, Divorce?

The decision to end your marriage in Springfield, IL, is not a decision to take lightly. Divorce is much more than just ending a marriage contract; it is also a formal legal process of dividing your marital assets and debts between you and your spouse, determining custody and support for your children, and settling various other issues such as spousal support. Approaching this situation is likely to generate uncertainty and confusion in many people. Divorce is an inherently emotional issue, even for those who are convinced they need to end their marriages. Suppose you are approaching the divorce process in


How To Navigate Your Social Life Following A Springfield, IL Divorce

Divorce is famously one of the most significant changes a person can go through. After years of building a life with your spouse, you have to separate yourself from everything you find familiar. Often, navigating social circles is one of the most significant challenges for divorcees. Shared friends may feel loyalty toward one spouse or the other, while separate friends may not know how to navigate the emotions that accompany a divorce. Whether you are going through a difficult divorce or an amicable one, there are certain ways to navigate your social life following a marital change. Following appropriate behaviors


How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce

Getting a divorce is not easy for anyone. Whether you were not married for very long, or are splitting up after a lifetime of commitment, the process of divorce is often uncomfortable and discouraging. One of the most difficult scenarios is when couples divorce after having children. Telling your child or children that you are seeking a divorce is incredibly tricky, regardless of the ages, genders, or personalities of your children. Many children feel new or unexpected emotions after this disclosure, and it’s not uncommon for them to have outbursts or emotional reactions to your news. If your children are