
Ways to reach a divorce settlement

Ways to reach a divorce settlement On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Tuesday, June 6, 2017. Filing for divorce can be an emotional process to initiate and progress through. Nevertheless, divorcing couples in Illinois may still believe that divorce is in their best interests. Therefore, they will endure the ups and downs of the divorce process. Because litigation is often looked at as an emotional, lengthy and costly process, some divorcing couples seek alternative methods when reaching a divorce settlement. While litigation is a viable option when finalizing a divorce, this is not the only


Recent Supreme Court ruling could impact military divorces

Recent Supreme Court ruling could impact military divorces On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in military family law on Friday, May 26, 2017. As a previous post highlighted, military couples in Springfield and nationwide have to go through a more complex process to end a marriage when compared to those going through a civilian divorce. Military laws have influence and power over the process, which often makes a military divorce more complex and challenging. The United States Supreme Court recently weighed in on an issue involving military divorce. The unanimous decision ruled in favor of a veteran who


Guiding you through the military divorce process (1)

Guiding you through the military divorce process On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in military family law on Thursday, May 18, 2017. With several major military bases in the state of Illinois, there are numerous military families residing in the state. While being married to a service member can be beneficial and life fulfilling, it can also be the cause of various marital problems. This is also why some military families much face the complex process of a military divorce. At the Stange Law Firm, P.C., our legal team understands that divorce in general is never easy. We


What are the different types of child custody arrangements?

What are the different types of child custody arrangements? On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, May 12, 2017. Divorcing with children can be a complex matter for parents in Illinois. Divorce not only signify the end of a marriage, but it also brings a change in family dynamics. A child will go from a one-family home to a two-home family, which can be a major life change. Thus, when parents are determining the parenting time they desire, it is crucial to consider the best interests of the child. What are the different types


What shared parenting means to Illinois parents and children

What shared parenting means to Illinois parents and children On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, May 4, 2017. The divorce process alone is considered difficult and challenging for couples in Illinois and elsewhere. However, when children are added to the process, this can make an already difficult time more challenging. Parents must make life-changing decisions, and they are often unsure if these choices are truly in the best interests of their children. Although shared parenting is promoted as an ideal child custody arrangement, this is not always the end result for divorcing families.


Helping you navigate child custody issues during divorce

Helping you navigate child custody issues during divorce On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, April 27, 2017. Divorce is never easy even when spouses enter the process mutually and with a positive attitude. Dissolution requires serious decision-making and most divorcing couples in Illinois and elsewhere encounter complex divorce issues. Divorcing with children and further complicate the matter. Parents not only have to make major choices regarding their personal post-divorce life but they also have to consider the lives of their children. In fact, almost every decision made during dissolution can impact a child.


Can a parent in Illinois seek a temporary child support order?

Can a parent in Illinois seek a temporary child support order? On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Friday, April 14, 2017. While most of the time a mother in Illinois knows who the father of her child is, even if they are no longer in a relationship with one another, other times the matter can be a bit muddled. The alleged father may dispute that the child is his, necessitating a court hearing. However, during that time the child must be cared for by either the mother or the purported father. When this happens,


Be mindful of capital gains tax in a high asset divorce

Be mindful of capital gains tax in a high asset divorce On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Thursday, March 23, 2017. In a recent post, we discussed the income tax treatment of alimony payments. For Springfield residents, who are going through a divorce or who were divorced last year, there are other significant tax implications. One of these is the capital gains tax and its impact on the divorce property division. When assets are transferred between the parties to a divorce, the IRS does not treat the transfer as a taxable event. But, when a


Family law situations are stressful; don’t go it alone

Family law situations are stressful; don’t go it alone On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Friday, March 17, 2017. Any type of family squabble can be a stressful experience. These situations, however, can take on a heightened amount of stress when they grow into a legal dispute. Whether the situation is divorce, child custody, property division or a number of other family law issues, it’s crucial to have a level-headed ally on your side. These types of situations can breed a considerable amount of stress and emotional frailty, through no fault of your own.


Are alimony payments tax deductible?

Are alimony payments tax deductible? On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Friday, March 10, 2017. Now that tax season is upon us, Springfield-area residents who have recently been divorced may be wondering about the tax consequences of their marital dissolution. In this week’s post, we’ll look at the tax treatment of alimony payments. Alimony, also referred to as spousal support, refers to payments made by one former spouse to help the other recover financially after a divorce. For the paying spouse, alimony payments are deductible, as long as the payor and the former spouse do


Let us advise you regarding your Illinois military divorce

Let us advise you regarding your Illinois military divorce On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in military family law on Thursday, March 2, 2017. Many people find the topic of divorce in general to be confusing. Whether it’s the large amount of arcane legal knowledge involved or the prospect of negotiating with one’s spouse over property division matters, most people leave much of the details to divorce lawyers. Imagine, then, facing a military divorce. This adds military law to the mix, making it that much more complicated for most folks. How can military divorce be more complicated than