
Revisiting a prenuptial agreement during a divorce

Revisiting a prenuptial agreement during a divorce On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Thursday, March 28, 2019. Prenuptial agreements, sometimes called premarital agreements, are contracts that are drafted before two people are joined in marriage. Prenuptial agreements often cover topics related to how the parties do and will own items of property and may also address if and how alimony should be awarded in the event that the parties’ marriage ends in divorce. A prenuptial agreement predates a marriage, and therefore it may sit unvisited for years if the couple that created it stays married.


What happens if a parent loses legal custody of their child?

What happens if a parent loses legal custody of their child? On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, March 14, 2019. It is hard to raise a child and doing it without the support of a co-parent in the home can be even more difficult. All across Illinois, mothers and fathers are trying to do their best for their kids, including those who have gone through divorce and are making important decisions about their children with former partners and spouses. Parents cannot stop actively making choices about their kids’ well-beings just because their marriages


When child custody and active deployment overlap

When child custody and active deployment overlap On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in military family law on Thursday, February 28, 2019. A person who makes the commitment to serve the nation in the military takes on a heavy burden of duty and expectation. Depending upon their role in their branch of service they may work domestically to keep the country safe, or they may be subject to deployments overseas to serve in different missions. If an Illinois resident is responsible for the custody of their children when a domestic move or overseas deployment is required, they may


Establishing paternity has many legal ramifications

Establishing paternity has many legal ramifications On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Thursday, February 14, 2019. Parents often take pride in the actions and accomplishments of their children. From birth, parents may revel in the many ways their new babies change from day to day, and as their children age, they may marvel at the skills and talents their kids acquire through hard work and practice. Being a parent is a rewarding and difficult role that many Illinois residents choose to embrace. However, not all parents have the opportunity to watch their children grow


Special custody considerations for military parents

Special custody considerations for military parents On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in military family law on Thursday, January 17, 2019. Making plans to co-parent one’s child with a former partner can be difficult for anyone who has had to go through a separation or divorce. However, when military parents are involved, child custody matters can become even more complex. This Illinois-based family law blog will offer its readers some basic considerations that military parents may wish to make when working out plans to care for their children after their divorces, but as with all legal matters it


Preparing your family for custody needs in the New Year

Preparing your family for custody needs in the New Year On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, January 3, 2019. The attorneys and staff of the Stange Law Firm hope that its clients and the readers of its family law blog have had peaceful transitions into the New Year. As 2019 gets underway, families may find that their needs, expectations and desires are different from those that governed their actions in 2018. If they operate subject to a child custody plan, then they may need to address important changes to that agreement or order


Tax deduction for alimony payments will soon disappear

Tax deduction for alimony payments will soon disappear On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Thursday, November 22, 2018. Getting a divorce can throw a huge wrench into the financial planning of an Illinois resident. If that person was a full-time worker and earned an income that supported them and their family then they may see portions of their pay disappear if they are required to provide their exes and kids with support. Divorcing parties who did not work out of the home and who have no immediate means of earning money once they are


Establish paternity to avoid losing parental rights

Establish paternity to avoid losing parental rights On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Thursday, November 22, 2018. Previous posts on this Springfield family law blog have discussed what paternity is and how it may be established. Paternity is the existence of a biological connection between a man and a child that demonstrates that the man is the child’s father. When a man is married to a woman who gives birth or acknowledges that he is a father when a child is born he may also be legally recognized as the child’s dad. If a


Are ex-spouses entitled to military benefits?

Are ex-spouses entitled to military benefits? On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in military family law on Thursday, November 8, 2018. Being the spouse of an active member of the military can be a difficult road to walk. While many Illinois families that take on this responsibility are able to work through their stresses and maintain healthy home lives, others crumble under the pressures that are imposed by service. When a service member and their spouse go through a divorce, the non-military party may have questions regarding if they will be able to receive benefits from their ex’s


What is a “no-fault” divorce?

What is a “no-fault” divorce? On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Thursday, October 11, 2018. “No fault” divorce may seem like an odd phrase to give to a legal process that is literally built upon terminating a relationship where the parties no longer want to be affiliated with each other. It would seem that in such circumstances two Illinois residents would feel as though the other is at fault for causing them to want to divorce and to divide up the life they had built together as a married couple. However, a “no fault” divorce


Addressing child custody issues as an unmarried parent

Addressing child custody issues as an unmarried parent On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Thursday, September 27, 2018. A divorce is not the only event that may require Illinois parents to address the future of their children. Parents who have chosen to bring children into the world outside of formalized marriages may confront their own unique issues in the event that they elect to end their relationships. Although some similarities will exist between child custody matters for married and unmarried parents, several important differences make it imperative that unmarried parents understand their rights. First,