
How to Get an Uncontested Divorce in Illinois

Getting divorced is never going to be an easy process to endure, regardless of whether or not the process is contested or uncontested. While one process is certainly easier to go through than the other, the ultimate goal is the same: The end of your marriage. It can be an emotionally devastating event in your life, and it may never fully heal the way you want it to. Still, an experienced Springfield, IL, divorce lawyer can help you work through an uncontested divorce. What Exactly Is an Uncontested Divorce? An uncontested divorce is generally considered to be the ideal situation


Dealing With a Combative Co-Parent

Having to deal with a divorce can be a big enough hassle and life change on its own. When you are raising your children together, it can make things even more complicated and contentious. There is often animosity that grows over time, especially when there are children involved. Developing a parenting plan with a combative co-parent can be easier to overcome when you have the help of a Springfield, IL, divorce lawyer. Sharing Child Custody in Illinois It can be frustrating and complicated to navigate a parenting schedule with a combative former spouse who likely still views you as the


Lowering Divorce Costs in Springfield, IL

While divorce is usually expected to be tumultuous, emotionally exhausting, and stressful, many people may unfortunately underestimate how costly it can get. Depending on the circumstances of your marriage, your divorce can end up costing you a lot of money, as well as cause additional strain on your income through alimony and a loss of some of your assets. An Illinois divorce lawyer can help you figure out how to lower your divorce costs. How to Lower Your Divorce Costs There are many different steps you can take to help you lower your potential divorce costs. Divorce can be a


Establishing Paternity in Springfield, IL

Paternity is the relationship between one parent and their child, and establishing paternity is necessary when parents are unmarried. In Illinois, parents who are married when a child is born are presumed to be that child’s biological parents. If parents are not married or in a civil union, they must take additional steps to legally establish the parental rights of the parent who did not give birth. A Springfield, Illinois, paternity attorney can help parents review their options. Parental rights mean that a parent has the ability to make important decisions for their children, a responsibility to support them, and


How Will Contests Affect Probate in Illinois

A last will and testament enables you to distribute your assets to your loved ones after your death. They can also make the probate process easier for your family. You can be specific in your asset distribution, making it clear who gets what and potentially limiting conflict between your loved ones. Unfortunately, will contests can erase this effort. A Springfield estate planning attorney can review options for limiting the likelihood of will contests during probate. Understanding Probate Probate is how the state inventories, administers and distributes your estate after your death. Without an estate plan, probate is often a long,


How to Effectively Negotiate in Divorce

Negotiating your divorce in Springfield, IL, can be a good option to limit the costs and strain of divorce while giving couples more control over the process. However, there are several concerns spouses have as they approach divorce negotiations, including how to negotiate at all. An experienced divorce attorney in Springfield can help you prepare for negotiations. There are also some things you can do with or without the help of an attorney to make negotiations easier. Tips to Negotiate Divorce Agreements More Effectively You want to prepare yourself before negotiations. Divorce negotiations are not easy, but mentally preparing yourself


Common Tips for Divorces Involving Special Needs Children in Springfield, IL

As a parent, facing a divorce in Springfield, Illinois can be an overwhelming and uncertain time. When minor children are involved, you want to act in their interest and ensure that whatever needs they may have are properly met. When your child has special needs, the hardships of navigating a divorce are only intensified. Luckily, a Springfield, IL, divorce lawyer can help ensure that your child’s needs, and your own, are protected. Divorce is never easy on a family. No matter their developmental maturity, kids can take divorce hard. When children with special needs are involved, a new dimension of


Illinois Small Estate Affidavits and Their Effect on Probate

Some estates in Illinois can avoid probate court through the use of a small estate affidavit. The time after a loved one passes can be stressful and costly, and a small estate affidavit can help simplify the transfer of certain assets and resolve an estate more quickly. If you are unsure if your loved one’s estate qualifies for this affidavit, talk with an experienced Springfield estate planning attorney. There are several benefits to avoiding probate, but there are specific guidelines for a small estate affidavit. Comprehensive estate planning during your lifetime can help your loved ones avoid probate and manage


How Does Relocation After Divorce Affect Kids?

Moving the primary residence of children after a divorce can increase feelings of instability and loss, but it can also provide a chance for new beginnings and opportunities. If you are planning to relocate with your children, you must follow certain requirements in Illinois law for relocating a child’s home any significant distance. A Springfield modification attorney can review your custody arrangement and parenting plan and determine your options for relocation within state law requirements. Divorce affects everyone in a family, and it is especially difficult for children. Every child reacts to divorce differently, and it can affect their friendships,


Understanding Annulment in Springfield

It is common for people to misunderstand what an annulment is. A civil annulment cannot be obtained in any circumstance, and any kind of annulment has unique requirements that must be met. Many people want to secure an annulment rather than a divorce, as a divorce is known for being long and difficult. If you are unsure whether your marriage can be annulled or not, talk with a skilled Springfield, IL, family lawyer. An annulment is a legal action to void a marriage, stating that it never existed. This is different from a divorce, which recognizes the existence of the


What Are the Benefits of Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements?

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are types of marital agreements that are created either before or during a couple’s marriage. These agreements are much more frequent than they used to be, and much of the stigma around them has dissolved. These agreements provide significant benefits for couples regardless of wealth and do not indicate an oncoming divorce. To ensure you get the most benefits from drafting a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, you need a skilled Springfield, Illinois prenuptial agreement lawyer. A marital agreement allows couples to discuss important financial issues, decide their rights and responsibilities to certain property during marriage, and